The Main Characteristics of Ancient Greek Statues

The first freestanding statuary was designed by the Archaic Greeks, a recognized success since until then the only carvings in existence were reliefs cut into walls and columns. Kouros figures, statues of young, good-looking male or female (kore) Greeks, made up the majority of the statues. Regarded as by Greeks to represent beauty, the kouroi were

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Exploring the Baltic and Scandinavian Nations

Don’t forget the Baltic states when traveling by sea to Scandinavia, as the region offers lovely Old Towns to explore and a rich history that dates back to medieval times and the Hanseatic League. Some of the cities viewed as “most livable” in the world can be found in Finland, Sweden, and Norway. Norwa

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Early Water Delivery Techniques in The City Of Rome

With the manufacturing of the very first elevated aqueduct in Rome, the Aqua Anio Vetus in 273 BC, individuals who lived on the city’s hillsides no longer had to be dependent entirely on naturally-occurring spring water for their needs. When aqueducts or springs weren’t available, people living at raised elevations

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The First Documented Outdoor Fountains of Human History

Villages and communities relied on working water fountains to channel water for preparing food, washing, and cleaning up from nearby sources like lakes, streams, or springs. A source of water higher in elevation than the fountain was necessary to pressurize the movement and send water spraying from the fountain's nozzle, a system without equal unti

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